When I saw this video I instantly fell in love with the work of the people from Ábaton Arquitectura. This design firm was founded in 1995 in Madrid, Spain and won various awards for their concerns with sustainable design and construction. Ábaton's architectural gems and interior design appear minimalistic, sophisticated and very luxurious. I pretty much don't know anything about architecture, but I can appreciate the execution of material combinations, the play with light and shadow and most importantly the way they incorporate the buildings into the environment.


 Krásne jarné počasie a nulová príprava na maturity. Také dni mám rada. Mačiatko na poslednej fotke. 
Pants, kimono, blouse, hat, necklace - H&M
Shoes - Asos


Zdravé, no stále neskutočne chutné brownies!
Healthy, but still incredibly delicious brownies!


Objavenie tejto palacinky mi zmenilo život. Doslova. Táto dobrota mi ráno vždy zlepší náladu a dá sa robiť na toľko spôsobov (kuk na môj instagram), že ju môžem jesť každý deň! Napríklad stačí prídať lyžičku kakaa namiesto škorice a hneď je to o niečom inom. Alebo pridať rôzne druhy ovocia na vrch, či zmeniť jogurt. Ak by sa vám náhodou nezdala dosť sladká, pridaje trochu stevie alebo javorového syrupu.
P.S. Ja som na vrch pridala domáce pohánkové müsli - recept bude čoskoro!
Discovery of this pancake changed my life. Literally. This delicacy always improves my morning mood and can be done in so many ways (check my instagram), I could keep eating it every day! For instance, just add a teaspoon of cocoa instead of cinnamon and it becomes completely different. Perhaps try other types of fruit toppings or change up the flavour of yoghurt. In case the pancake isn't sweet enough for you, add a dash of stevia or maple syrup.
P.S. I topped the pancake with homemade buckwheat granola - recipe coming soon!