Nepoznám snáď nikoho, komu by nechutila Nutella. Bohužiaľ však viem, že hlavnými ingredienciami tejto "pochúťky" je cukor a palmový olej a nie lieskové oriešky, tak ako by človek od "lieskovcovej nátierky" očakával. Jedného dňa som sa preto rozhodla, že si urobím vlastnú, zdravšiu verziu. Odvtedy som experimentovala s rôznymi prísadami a množstvami, až som nakoniec zistila, že v jednoduchosti je krása. Skončila som s 4 ingredienciami, ktoré tvoria lahodnú, sladkú a kakovú nátierku s pravou chuťou lieskových orieškov. Mňam!
I am positive of not knowing anybody who wouldn't like Nutella. However, I am aware of the fact, that the main ingredients of this "delicacy" are sugar and palm oil - not hazelnuts, as one would expect. Hence one day, I decided to make my own healthy version. Since then, I had experimented with various ingredients and quantities, until I realised there is beauty in simplicity. I ended up with 4 ingredients which make up delicate, sweet and cocoa spread with true hazelnut flavour. Yum!
I am positive of not knowing anybody who wouldn't like Nutella. However, I am aware of the fact, that the main ingredients of this "delicacy" are sugar and palm oil - not hazelnuts, as one would expect. Hence one day, I decided to make my own healthy version. Since then, I had experimented with various ingredients and quantities, until I realised there is beauty in simplicity. I ended up with 4 ingredients which make up delicate, sweet and cocoa spread with true hazelnut flavour. Yum!