I took a few days off from blogging, mostly because I had to finish school projects so my grade report would look a little better at the end of school year and secondly because I was thinking over the meaning and purpose of my blog.
After cleaning up my wardrobe, I weighted all the stuff I wanted to throw away (not literally - donate or sell) and found out it was 19kg of clothes! This stuff also covered 2/3 of my closet. The oldest things were max. 3 years old, although I have to point out that until last year my height was rising.
Now, let´s get to the point of this post.
I really don´t have that many basics in my closet, there were things which were on trend for few weeks or so, and I didn´t wear them afterwards. Why am I buying stuff like that? Oh wait, isn´t it what most of the fashion bloggers do? I think so. Many of them/us buy something "currently fashionable", show it off and then (maybe) try to wear it uniquely for a while. To be more concrete, I mean clothes that aren´t the best quality. Nowadays, cheap things are made to serve for a little time so we can purchase new ones over and over, in large quantities. That´s called consumerism.
What am I going to do about it? Reduce and reuse. Now that sounds almost cliché but what I mean is reducing my so-called-needs considering fashion, reusing clothes - making something new out of something old and supporting secondhand/thrift/vintage stores. There are enough clothes in the world already, so why not dig up something that 1. Not many people have 2. Will satisfy me for more than 1 month and if not it´s easy to donate it back. Hopefully I´ll be able to withdraw myself from this cycle of consumerism although I´m not saying it will be that easy.
How do you look at this issue?
Vzala som si pár dni voľna od bloggovania, hlavne preto lebo som musela dokončiť nejaké školské projekty aby moje vysvedčenie vyzeralo o niečo lepšie a po druhé, lebo som premýšľala nad zmyslom a účelom môjho blogu.
Po uprataní mojej skrine som zvážila všetko oblečenie, ktoré som chcela vyhodiť(nie doslovne – darovať alebo predať) a zistila, že to bolo 19kg! Tieto veci taktiež pokrývali 2/3 mojej skrine. Najstaršie kusy boli max. 3 roky staré aj keď musím podotknúť, že do minulého roku moja výška rástla.
A teraz k pointe tohto príspevku.
Nemám až tak veľa „basic“ kúskov v mojej skrini, boli tam veci, ktoré boli trendy na pár týždňov alebo tak a potom som ich vôbec nenosila. Prečo si ale kupujem takéto kúsky? Počkať, nie je to presne to, čo robí väčšina módnych bloggerov? Myslím, že hej. Veľa z nich/nás si kúpi niečo „aktuálne moderné“, ukáže to a potom sa to chvíľu snaží nosiť jedinečne. Ak by som mala byť konkrétna, myslím oblečenie, tej nie najlepšej kvality. V dnešnej dobe sú lacné veci vyrobené tak aby slúžili na krátky čas aby sme si ich mohli kúpiť znovu a znovu, „najlepšie“ vo veľkých množstvách. Tomu sa hovorí konzumerizmus.
A čo s tým urobím ja? Obmedziť a znovu použiť = recyklovať. Ja viem, znie to tak trochu klišé ale čo mám na mysli, je zredukovanie mojich „potrieb“ v rámci módy, opätovného využívania oblečenia – vyrábanie niečoho nového z niečoho starého a podporovanie sekáčov. Na svete je už dostatok oblečenia (nevymýšľam si!), tak prečo nevyhrabať niečo čo 1. nevlastní veľká kopa ľudí 2. uspokojí ma na viac než mesiac a ak nie, je jednoduché vrátiť to späť. Dúfam, že sa mi podarí dostať sa z tohto cyklu konzumerizmu aj keď nehovorím, že to bude jednoduché.
Ako sa pozeráte na tento problém vy?
I love this idea! I should do exactly the same :D
i definitely agree as my wardrobe is built on basics. black, white and grey.
ReplyDeletethis has always been my style, kind of living superior minimalism.
i try to avoid the consumerism by not impulsive shopping and i do not think about trends while purchasing. always think twice and better save for something more expensive)
still have some pieces i want to get rid of though.
I am so guilty of this! hehe, but I have definitely been getting better lately, I had a massive clearout of my closet awhile back, it feels really good to almost have a wardrobe that I absolutely love. I think that is the key, loving, and not wanting to throw away anything in your wardrobe, I think then you know, and should be satisfied with what is already in your lovely closet :)
v poslední době nakupuju jenom v sekáčím, nebaví mě utrácet zbytečně moc peněz za něco,co mě za chvilku omrzí..
ReplyDelete...počkám si na slevy a pak zas budu marnotratně utrácet za věcí,co nepotřebuju..
jo, ta myšlenka předělávání věci se mi líbí:)
ReplyDeleteale souhlasim s coookies;) dělám to úplně stejně..
i am proud of you
ReplyDeleteD'akujem prague is so hot!! You must visit!! I'm off to bratislava tomorrow!!! X
ReplyDeleteIt is all very true. It's also time that we all start rethinking our own patterns. I joined the Free Fashion Challenge on the 11th of November 2010 and haven't bought any clothing or accessories since! It's a challenge that asked us to stop buying the afore mentioned for one whole year. If your interested, check out the website www.freefashionchallenge.com :)
ReplyDeleteI know that "moving girl" - it´s friend of my friend :) (yes, FB rulez!)
ReplyDeletelots of respect za to, ze ve svem veku takhle smyslis. Ja uz prakticky jinde nez v sekacich nenakupuju, az na basics a boty. Ale i tak mam pocit, ze strasne hromadim, musim to taky nejak usmernit. You rule girl! <3
ReplyDeleteJana: oh, really?! that´s interesting because I though she was a model I saw on TV a few weeks ago :)
ReplyDeleteSim, yes, they are both models ;) (not me :/ )