Po dlhočiznom čase aj kúsok mňa! Tánička potrebovala odfotiť niekoľko párov topánok pre Sneaker Barber tak som zapojila všetky svoje modelkovské sily a pocvakali sme moje nohy. Samozrejme, neostalo to len pri nich a Tánička mi potom urobila tieto parádne fotky pri Dunaji.
After a long time, here I am! Tánička had to shoot several pairs of shoes for Sneaker Barber so I engaged all of my modelling powers and she snapped my feet. Of course, we didn't leave it at that and Tánička took these wonderful photos nearby Danube.

After a long time, here I am! Tánička had to shoot several pairs of shoes for Sneaker Barber so I engaged all of my modelling powers and she snapped my feet. Of course, we didn't leave it at that and Tánička took these wonderful photos nearby Danube.
Crop top - Topshop
Trousers - BDG Urban Outfitters
Shoes - Nike Air Max 1 Black Croc
photos by Táňa
Jesenné počasie a čaj so sušienkami sú neoddeliteľná kombinácia. Preto som sa rozhodla skombinovať niekoľko sýtych ingrediencíí (mandle, kokosový olej, a pod.) a vytvorila malé a chutné sušienky s kúskami čokolády. Mňam!
Autumn weather and tea with cookies are an inseparable combination. For this reason, I decided to combine several filling ingredients (almonds, coconut oil, etc.) and made small & luscious cookies with chocolate bits. Yum!
Autumn weather and tea with cookies are an inseparable combination. For this reason, I decided to combine several filling ingredients (almonds, coconut oil, etc.) and made small & luscious cookies with chocolate bits. Yum!
Pred pár dnami som dostala neskutočnú chuť na cesnakový chlieb plný byliniek. Už len pri pomyslení naň som po byte cítila ako rozvoniava. Potom ako mama navrhla, že mi zo záhrady prinesie čerstvú bazalku som vedela, že tento bazalkovo-cesnakový chlebík bude úplná paráda. Je bezlepkový, pretože som použila pohánkovú múku, tak dúfam, že si na ňom čo najviac z vás pochutí.
A few days ago I had this incredible craving for garlic bread full of herbs. Just the thought of it made me feel like I could smell the bread throughout the whole apartment. After my mom suggested that she would bring some fresh basil leaves from the garden, I knew this basil & garlic bread would be amazing. It is gluten-free because I used buckwheat flour, so I hope many of you will enjoy this bread.
A few days ago I had this incredible craving for garlic bread full of herbs. Just the thought of it made me feel like I could smell the bread throughout the whole apartment. After my mom suggested that she would bring some fresh basil leaves from the garden, I knew this basil & garlic bread would be amazing. It is gluten-free because I used buckwheat flour, so I hope many of you will enjoy this bread.
Áh, Raffaello, moja srdcovka! Avšak ingrediencie, ktoré sa nachádzajú v tej krehkej a sladučkej pochúťke (umelé arómy, pšeničná múka, cukor, rastlinný olej,...atď.) nie sú bohviečo. Preto si radšej urobím svoje vlastné Raffaello, a vy by ste mali tiež! :) Je to mega rýchle, jednoduché a treba na to len 4 ingrediencie (alebo tri ak vynecháte stéviu a pridáte viac medu).
Oh, Raffaello, my love. However, the ingredients present in this delicate and sweet treat (artificial flavours, wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil,... etc.) are not all that nutritious. Thats why I like to make my own Raffaello and so should you! :) It is very quick, easy and only requires 4 ingredients (or 3 if you omit stevia and add more honey instead).
Oh, Raffaello, my love. However, the ingredients present in this delicate and sweet treat (artificial flavours, wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil,... etc.) are not all that nutritious. Thats why I like to make my own Raffaello and so should you! :) It is very quick, easy and only requires 4 ingredients (or 3 if you omit stevia and add more honey instead).
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