The bitter taste.

About a week ago I finished reading a book called Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides (the author of The Virgin Suicides) and enjoyed it so much I decided to dedicate it a post. This story is about a hermaphrodite named Calliope who is growing up as a girl until she/he reaches 14 and realizes she/he feels more like a boy rather than a girl. The narrator also talks widely about Cal´s Greek family so the reader understands the background of this special person.
Have any of your read this book? Did you like it?
"I was born twice: first, as a baby girl, on a remarkably smogless Detroit day of January 1960; and then again, as a teenage boy, in an emergency room near Petoskey, Michigan, in August of l974. . . My birth certificate lists my name as Calliope Helen Stephanides. My most recent driver’s license...records my first name simply as Cal."
Asi pred týždňom som dočítala knihu s názvom "Hermafrodit" od Jeffrey Eugenides (autora Smrti panien) a páčila sa mi natoľko, že som sa jej rozhodla venovať príspevok. Tento príbeh je o hermafroditovi menom Calliope, ktorá vyrastá ako dievča až kým dosiahne 14 rokov a zistí, že sa cíti viac ako chlapec než dievča. Rozprávač taktiež podrobne opíše históriu gréckej rodiny, do ktorej sa Calliope narodila aby čitateľ pochopil pozadie tejto špeciálnej osoby.
Čítal niekto z vás túto knihu? Páčila sa vám?


Today, me and Claudia decided to go to Vienna. It was great, we´ve looked around the shops, eaten macarons and finished the day with delicious salads. I´ve got small blisters on my feet but it´s because we had to go by turbo speed when we were rushing back to the train station.
S Claudiou sme sa dnes rozhodli zájsť do Viedne. Bolo super, pokukali sme obchody, jedli makarónky a deň zakončili chutnými šalátmi. Mám menšie otlaky na nohách ale to len kvôli tomu, že sme museli nahodiť turbo rýchlosť keď sme sa ponáhľali na  vlakovú stanicu.
Bag - Zara
Jeans - American Apparel
Denim blouse - Stradivarius
Sunglasses, Shoes - Topshop
My hand (right) - H&M bracelets (except the braided one)

Summer wave.

The poll opened my eyes, I am not going to stop blogging. Yippee. The only problem I have to solve as soon as possible is getting my Iphone repaired and probably buying a new camera because neither of the two are working. I also wanted to thank you for the encouraging comments which you left me in the previous post :)
P.S. I am loving the weather right now!
Ten dotazník mi otvoril oči, neprestanem blogovať. Juchú. Jediný problém, ktorý musím čo najskôr vyriešiť je dať si opraviť Iphone a pravdepodobne kúpiť nový foťák lebo ani jedno ani druhé nefunguje. Tiež sa vám chcem poďakovať za povzbudzujúce komenty, ktoré ste mi nechali v minulom príspevku :)
P.S. Zbožňujem toto počasie!
please, excuse the quality of this picture but it´s better than nothing right?:D